the above page is a
scraplift of
Nisa Fiin from the
November CK page 234...
it is for a challenge!
Jaxson update...
i got to go and see him
yesterday, wasn't sure if
i'd make it due to the snow!
it was my prayer on the way
to see him that he would
talk to me...we have a special
"haaaabooooo" talk!
unfortunatley...he was not a
unfortunatley...he was not a
happy boy...very drowsy from
the morphine. i was just going
to leave and he looked at me and said
i was so excited i didn't want to leave.
we talked for while then he got a little
upset...his heart rate skyrocketed.
my sister said that singing calms him.
my sister said that singing calms him.
my mom stated singing
twinkle, twinkle, little star...
he still was upset, my sister said,
"no, he likes Jesus Loves Me".
so my mom, sister, and i sang...
"Jesus loves me this i know,
for the bible tells me so,
little ones to Him belong,
they are weak but he is strong"
and you know what...
he calmed right down
and fell asleep.
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