Friday, February 8, 2008

I {Heart} Ribbon

of my favorites, so I decided to turn them into a pillow!
1. Cut a square of *backing* fabric to 11 X 11, I just used plain white cotton.
2. Cut many 11" ribbon strips - this would depend on the width of your ribbon. I think I have 24 strips - the pillow is in California right now so I was trying to count off the picture!
3. Glue the strips down to the backing fabric using a glue stick. Allow to dry.
4. Machine stitch each length of ribbon in place.
5. Cut another square of fabric (11 X 11)...for this one I used a fancier one as it will be exposed on the back.
6. With right sides together machine stitch around the square, leaving a 1/4" border. Also, remember to make sure to leave a hole to add stuffing ;)
7. Clip the corners, turn rightside out, stuff, hand sew up that stuffing hole, and your done!

Inspiration for this came from a Christmas
card sent by Fiona Carter!


Kate said...

What's a bigger word than inspire? You WAY MORE than inspire me!!! That pillow is beautiful...and what do we always say as mothers, wives, scrapbookers: "Oh, I don't have time." Well I am certainly going to MAKE time for that project. I LOVE it!!! You inspire me to make time.

Kelli said...

Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

omgoodness Andrea! That is amazing!!

Anonymous said...

a. you are amazing.
you have outdone yourself yet again!

Michelle McGee said...

That's cute!