I was tagged by the lovely
Lisa Pace! So here it goes...7 randoms about me!
1. I teach Sunday School! We made *a pretty message in a bottle* for our craft on Sunday!
2. I'm crazy in love with my dog! Up until three years ago I didn't even like dogs. I liked rabbits :) But when DH bought Sheriff home, I fell completely in love with him!
3. I like to drink a cup of tea every night before bed. But, if it's not
this one I'd have to pass!
4. I don't watch TV. I do, however, enjoy some DVD's like Little House on the Prairie (the first two seasons) and
Ray Vander Laan's Faith Lessons.
5. I love to clean and organize :)
6. We homeschool...which I love so much! When we first talked about it 7 years ago I was like, I can't do that, but with God's help we've been doing it, and it is just amazing!!!
7. My favorite bible verse is from Romans 8:38 and 39...
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.*****
Now, I'm supposed to tag seven people!
We'll just do this voluntarily ;)
The first seven people to post seven random facts
about themselves on their blog and
leave me a comment with a link to their blog
will find a little envelope with some
scrapbooking goodies in their mailbox soon :)