Last night, at our church, an Evangelist shared his testimony.
God has inspired me to share the testimony He has given me.
I had a wonderful childhood,
amazing parents,
a home filled with love.
I strayed.
I became very selfish.
My heart breaks when I think
of the four years from 13 -17.
Drugs, drinking, and all that went with it.
Those years pop into my head, little instances.
I now take the time to pray for those people.
When I was just over 17 I met
the man who today is my husband.
We were married when were both 19.
Had our first child when we were 21.
When I was 22 I had emergency surgery to
remove a brain tumor, I came very close to dying.
I prayed to God that "I wanted to live for Him"....
Unfortunately, I slipped back
into the "me" lifestyle.
Now add 2 more babies to the picture
and a very sad wife
who spends much of her time trying to get
out of an unhappy marriage.
In October of 1999 my Pa died.
He was the first person who I was close to
who died. I was devastated.
I needed comfort.
I went for my bible,
started at the back, in the book of
Revelation and read...
Look! I have been standing at the door
and I am constantly knocking. If anyone hears
me calling him and opens the door,
I will come in and fellowship with him
and he with me.
I kept that in my heart for a couple of month.
Pondered it. Considered it.
In December of 1999....
The Lord gave me a dream.
I was running around an old house
with friends from my past.
I ran past an old dingy door.
I heard knocking, very quietly.
I opened it.
There was a bright light.
That second I gave my life back to Him.
Accepted the fact the He died for me.
I understood His love.
I cried. I still cry.
He loved me the whole time.
Even during those *four* years.
His protecting hand surrounded me.
My life has completely changed.
I get to hold my children close,
to treasure my husband.
I now know what love really is.
Of course I still have bad days,
days when i feel sad, regretful,
but He shows me that every moment
is a blessing from Him. From Jesus.
So no matter what you are doing in your
life right now...it will not compare
to the love of Christ.
The hope He can give.
So today listen for His knock.
Open the door. You won't regret it.