Yesterday was one of them.
A day filled with God's love and rejoicing.
A day that rings a melody in your soul.
When everything you see in beautiful.
A day when this song is your heart...
When the Son of God was here,
How He loved the children dear,
And He sweetly called them closely to His side,
And He drove away their fear,
And He spoke so kind and clear,
And He told them 'twas for such a saviour died.
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Brown and yellow, black and white,
All our precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
Bye and bye, when He shall come,
To bring all His children home,
He'll make up the many jewels for His crown.
Boys and girls across the foam,
Nevermore again shall roam,
Gathered safetly, in His presence shall sit down.