i have been reading a book to the children called
Living Hymn Stories by Wilbur Konkel
and i wanted to share this passage
from the book...
"Every good and every perfect gift is from above,
and cometh down from the Father of Lights,
with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of
turning." (James 1:17). God is faithful. He does
not fail. His compassion they fail not. He cares
for the lilies. He cares for the sparrows. How
can He fail me? How can he forget you? You
are of more value than many flowers or birds. He
will not. He cannot, forget you. He has graven
you on the palms of His hands. He was wounded
for your transgressions. Like His great universe,
He is always here. After the darkest night, the sun
comes up with its rosy splendor and warms and
brightens all it reaches. So God is always there in
your darkest hour. He does not turn away from
you. Not even by a faint shadow. As Thou hast
been, Thour forever wilt be. Because He is our
Father, and because He suffered so much for
us, yes, He even died for us, therefore His
compassions will never fail. He has loved us with
and everlasting love.